DO IT NOW Pros is the parent company of DO IT NOW Productionz (DO IT NOW Productions) and DO IT NOW Referees. DO IT NOW Dave and his TEAM are ready to exceed your expectations. Make The Call 954-962-0920

7 on 7 Tournament Rules
20 players per team

Field Dimensions
50 yards long x 53.5 yards wide

- Initial possession determined by coin toss
- Ball Starts on 40yd line
- Coaches must stay on sideline during the game-they cannot go onto the field Offense
- 4 downs to make a first down (20 yd line), then 4 downs to score
- One back in backfield (inside the tackle box)
- NO running plays (including QB)
- QB has 4 seconds to release the ball
- Sacks equal loss of down, restart ball on original line of scrimmage (LOS)
- 5 receivers are eligible
- 25 second to put ball in play (play clock)

If team exceeds 25 seconds, loss of down and game clock stops and will restart when ball is snapped No blocking is permitted

Touchdowns are worth 7 points-there is no extra point
Interceptions count for 3 points (Interceptions cannot be advanced, result in turn over on downs)

Safety Must Be at least 10-12 yds deep (unless ball is inside 10 yd line) in the middle of the field Corners Must Be 5-7 yds from LOS when ball is snapped (never more than 7 yds)
LB’s Must Be 5 yds from LOS before the ball is snapped
Exception: If distance to obtain 1st down is less than 5 yds, LB’s and DB’s can press LOS

No bumping is permitted
OFFENSE - Loss of Down
SITUATIONS - Pass Interference, Blocking, Offside-Motion

DEFENSE - 5 yards, repeat down
SITUATION - Off-sides, Illegal contact-holding, Pass interference, Incorrect alignment

DEFENSE - 5 yards, repeat down
SITUATION - Off-sides, Illegal contact (holding), Pass interference

* ABSOLUTELY NO taunting, excessive celebration or foul language will be tolerated by players or coaches. Failure to comply will result in loss of possession and player will be removed from the game. 2nd infraction will result in an ejection from the tournament.


1st Overtime
Start ball on 20 yd line, 4 downs to score
PAT attempt from 5 yd line - 1 point (overtime only)
Each team has chance to score

2nd Overtime
Start ball on 20 yd line, 2 downs to score
PAT attempt from 5 yd line - 1 pt (overtime only)

3rd Overtime
Start ball on 20 yd line, 2 downs to score
PAT attempt from 10 yd line - 1 pt

Format of Tournament
Two 10 minute halves (last 2 minutes REAL TIME) and one 3-minute halftime
Each Team has one 30-second timeout per half

Proper Attire
Gym Shorts
Team Jersey, T-shirts or compression shirts
Football cleats
No Jewelry, hats or do-rags
Headbands and mouth guards are allowed